Category: Uncategorized

  • New years resolutions are addictive

    Introduction The year is coming to an end and although this means that life is going by extremely fast, this bittersweet moment for many people, including myself, represents a fresh start; a new beginning. And because it’s a new year that means everyone is setting their new years resolutions. Honestly, I think New years resolutions…

  • Overcoming the big fear of being seen alone

    Introduction Introduction part 1: Until recently, the fear of being seen alone was something that constantly plagued my mind. I’d try to insert myself into friendship groups where I knew I wasn’t wanted. And, I found myself clinging onto relationships that I knew where not healthy. I was never necessarily afraid of being alone but…

  • The most challenging thing I did was start my Blog.

    The most challenging thing I did last year was starting my blog. For many reasons this hasn’t been the most easiest of creative projects that I’ve started. In this post I just wanted to highlight the challenges that you may face through your blogging journey. Unfortunately, I can offer little guidance in how to overcome…

  • 3 reasons why you need to date yourself first

    Why you need to date yourself first When I was younger I used to have all of these crushes. I ended up quite disheartened when I turned 18 and hadn’t experienced any form of romance. I remember feeling so inadequate, it was almost as though my self-worth depended on my relationship with other people. Unfortunately,…

  • Rediscovering the parts of yourself that you lost

    Rediscovering the parts of yourself that you lost

    I truly believe that in order to live your best and most authentic life, you need to be your best and most authentic self. When I was younger the one piece of advice I heard often was ‘ Just be yourself’. I always thought that this was the worst advice because it was so self-explanatory.…

  • Words of Advice: for new University students

    Words of Advice: for new University students

    Introduction If you are going to university next year please read this. In this blog post I wanted to write about all of the things I learnt during my first year of University. And trust me when I say I learnt from way too many of my mistakes Hopefully, through my experience, I will be…

  • You are much more interesting than you realise

    You are much more interesting than you realise

    Sometimes when we look upon the life we have lived, we may feel as though it hasn’t been interesting. You may think that your life may seem normal and underwhelming but your life is 100% more interesting than you realise. I used to feel the exact same way about my life too. As I got…

  • The smallest habits have the greatest impact

    The smallest habits have the greatest impact

    Introduction: When we think of the things we do daily that have a big impact on our lives, we often find ourselves thinking of the big things. But I believe that it is the small habits that have the greatest impacts on our lives. These could even be the habits that we don’t even acknowledge…

  • You cannot change people; they must want to change

    Introduction Throughout life we encounter a plethora of people. Sometimes there are people in our lives who we have such high expectations for. When these people do not meet these expectations we feel the responsibility to help them change in order to meet these expectations. But I’ve come to realise that people do not change…

  • Activities to let your inner child out this summer

    Activities to let your inner child out this summer

    Introduction: As we grow older we are subjected to so much stress. Whether it is school, work or even your personal life, life can get serious real quick. And we accordingly have to also become more serious too. As of late, I’ve been doing a lot of research about healing and a lot of the…